Join Us For Sunday Worship
Bible Classes: 9:30 am | Morning Service: 10:30 am | Afternoon Service: 3:00 pm
Current Teaching Series: The book of Hebrews (3:00 pm on Sundays)
The book of 2 Timothy (7:00 pm on Wednesdays)
Welcome to Hope Baptist Church!
Our desire at Hope Baptist is to…
introduce the people of our community and encourage them in a continuing relationship with God through his Son, Jesus Christ.
The Bible is God’s revelation to mankind of how this relationship is established and maintained, so we integrate the Word of God heavily into everything that we do here at Hope. Our church is made up of “Friends Seeking God Together.” We invite you to become our friend and join us in our pursuit of the One who promises us that “He will be found.”

News from Hope
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, 3/27: Upward Basketball Awards Ceremony at 6:30 p.m.
Fri-Sat, 4/4-4/5: GA Men’s Advance at Jackson County Baptist Church in Jefferson, GA
Sunday, 4/20: Easter Services. No p.m. service today.
Sunday, 5/11: Mother’s Day. No p.m. service today.
Sunday, 6/15: Father’s Day. No p.m. service today.